new homes new jersey

Leading When Leading

There are more books and seminars on leading than one could consume. Proven leadership principles apply in all situations, whether leading a family, team, company and especially yourself.  There is a need for effective leaders. When I conducted management seminars, I taught on the 4 areas of leadership:   Leadership of self. Leadership of others. […]

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Trees, Wreaths and Holiday Cheer Should Last All Year

There’s really something about the wintertime holidays. In a general sense, everyone can enjoy the lights, colors, and festive attitudes all around us. Here are a few holiday thoughts to brighten the expectations: Christmas Trees: There is a sense of excitement in going out to select a tree, whether it’s purchased, assembled, or cut down. […]

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New Homes for Sale

Lentils don’t always have the most exciting reputation.

No, they’re not the high topic of conversation. “Hey, so are you enjoying any lentils these days?” I mean, who askes anyone such a question. Lentils, often simply called, “beans,” are actually a fantastic support to the human body. When I changed my diet recently, I discovered a whole new world about lentils. I had […]

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